02 January 2008

smug dorks

school is still out & many idiots are still off work. thanks to the usual transit breakdown, used the petrol donkey to get to the office. traffic was moving along reasonably enough—not the usual carpark.

enjoyed the smug dorks tooling along in the commuter lane in their fooking pre-arse (apparently the plural is the same as the singular - who knew?) at a slower rate than regular traffic. the prius owner is a particularly dense species of treehugging arsehole. watched one bearded idiot in a white pre-arse hog the lane, occasionally pulling out to let faster cars through, but in the most inept fashion.

whatever moron in the state government that thought giving pre-arse owners a free pass into the commuter lane was really thinking with his/her sphincter. the pre-arse gets really lousy gas mileage when you boot the sucker—it's only good in stop&go traffic. plus what an otherwise fooking awful car: its dynamics are no better than the hideous econobox it shares its chassis with ...

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