13 March 2009

your morning psychopath

there's a peculiar breed of psychopath that occasionally intrudes on life. this morning, being a thirteenth friday, i got one. waiting for the tram to depart the mountain view station, ipod blaring porcupine tree in an attempt to remain disassociated, a critter bounded into the coach & started talking at me. i pulled out an earphone & said, “eh?”

“oh, you're a frenchman!?” says the psychopath, thrusting his hand at me.


then he starts asking me if this is the shortest path to san jose. eh? what sorta stupid psychopathic question is that? i put my earphone back in, but the psychopath was not to be discouraged that easily. he talked some more at me so i had to remove my earphone again. he was asking if the 54 bus would be faster. wtf is a 54 bus? i said, “dunno” & put my earphone back in.

the psychopath bounded out of the tram & spoke to the tram driver. then he came back & sat down in the seat across from me & started talking at me again. irritated (more), i pulled out the earphone & said, “eh?”

“i didn't mean any disrespect!” huffed the psychopath & bounded down the coach to bother someone else. disrespect, eh? you gotta wonder what gutter this critter crawled out of.

he found another victim, one politer than me. sucker ...

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