08 March 2012


i've oft ranted about what shit garmin makes. latest one is their garmin connect website wherein you leave your gps downloads for sharing and same.

on 01mar, i wanted to record why i failed to ride on 29feb—it was raining. so i clicked on the "note" thing, wrote a "rain" note, and clicked ok. no note.


you can see no note on 29feb.
because it's a leap day?

tried again. no note. d'oh. perhaps my browser?

tried with safari. no note. tried the other computer. both its browsers. no note. d'uh!

wrote a complaint to their support idiots. who were clueless and wanted me to flush my cache and reboot my computer and sent me instructions for internet explorer, which only a muppet uses and anyway isn't available on a mac.

then i happened to look at the calendar for february. there was my note for 29feb. or should i say my notes! every attempt was there.


complained further.

their support droid said that was the way the fucking thing was designed.


yeah, you can only see notes for the month they are in.

what a fucking stupid design!

to be consistent, you should only be able to see your gps downloads for the month it was in, too. same for your "health" (why's it "health" when it's only your weight?) score. but that's not the way it works.

another reason for the total lack of respect i have for garmin and all who sail in it. what a pathetic excuse for a company ....

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